I haz gotten some new arrivals this month and I wanted to announce all of them when they have arrived :3
I haz gotten this LOVELY like a month back <3
It looks so summery and fits me very well :3
I have gotten these awesome tights!
They are freakkin awesome!!!!!!!!!! <3
I have gotten this lovely white coat <3 I began to worry since it didn't come for a while but then it finally arrived and I got so happy! At first I thought it may have been a bit too small but it fits perfectly!
I also got a very nice shirt with a kitty on it :3 unfortunetly I don't have a picture of it xD YET. I wear it very often so I might take a snap one day and post it here :3
BUT. My MOST favorite ever arrival... is this <3333
Costume Matrix is an ''How to draw anime'' book. I find it VERY useful for me to be able to create original and creative outfits for my characters and random drawings. I took huge advantage of it and began learning tips in the book. After 1 day of analyzing and reading the most important parts and drew this little girl :3 <3

This is a Strawberry inspired Lolita that I have been working on now :3 she is ALMOST done and I will be posting her here soon :3 with the help of Costume Matrix I managed to draw a completely MY OWN created dress and I am SO satisfied with it! Yes, there ARE a couple mistakes in the anatomy and proportions but I will be practicing on those soon enough! I will be opening my new deviantArt account where I will be posting my drawings and opening commissions for those who would want their characters to be drawn in my style. I will be also creating adopts for those who will want to adopt an original character I have drawn :3 I have tried one thing and it was the shadowing layers which actually do have a HUGE effect! SO HAPPY!!!
I have also bought some new - old kind of games to try. Halo 3, Fable II and Ninja Gaiden II.
Lemme tell ya, Ninja Gaiden is hard as ****! Can't pass Genshin! >.< (not trying, too busy to play games anyway haha!)
I won't be so active these days now because I have a LOT of tests and I feel like I really want to pass these tests! I mean honestly.. I have a Japanese Course Test which is EVERYTHING about what I have learned for these past 2 years. Our teacher does not go easy on us xD Although when I thought that I don't remember ANYTHING from last year or the past 4 months, I actually was surprised that I managed to answer everything correctly. Even read THIS without a problem! (happy face)
I remember ALL the kanji. Which I was super freakkin happy about! Hiragana is NO problem. Katakana might be a bit of a pain but that's something I'll needa be working on for the weekend!
Off to studying now! WABA! <3
PS. Thank you Jules for ordering stuff!!!! <3