Sunday, October 11, 2015

Can't wait for snow

Yet again I didn't manage to post anything here for a while!

To make it up to ya'll, I'm going to be making a video where I talk about my university, what I've learned, what I've experienced and how things are going for me!

But this time I thought I'm going to share a little about my absolute hobby that creates a gigantic bond with my dad!

Since me and my family live in Sweden, or in other words where Santa lives, there's a lot of snow and can get pretty cold here.
Once we moved here, he wanted to take advantage of that pure white cloudy soft snow.
And that is with snowmobiles!
(I find the English word so weird for these things!)

We went to a couple of stores earlier this week, and I was whining about how much I want snow to fall down on my ground so that I can start driving my baby!

Took some pics a long the way of these beauties! Kawaii Pixel Heart by lafhaha

Chills down my spine  Kawaii Pixel Heart by lafhahaKawaii Pixel Heart by lafhahaKawaii Pixel Heart by lafhahaKawaii Pixel Heart by lafhaha


Gonna be some fun time in my life Kawaii Pixel Heart by lafhaha