My week was pertty much AWESOME.
I wasn't active for a long time now but the reason for it is simple: SCHOOL.
Yush. I was so worked up I couldn't barely even eat properly but last week I managed to put myself back on that crazy ass horse. Last week I studied super freaking hard for my japanese test since GOD DAMN IT it's the only lesson I don't feel like failing! Last saturday I studied for 5 hours and I thought my head was about to EXPLOSE. But heck, it was worth it, I GOT AN A! I was so freaking happy I was jumping around like crazy in class. It was a talking test in japanese which I was suppose to write myself and it should have been freakin correct. Everything. I only mistaked at pronouncing one word but it wasn't enough of a fail to lower me to a B. The teacher had a hard time choosing if I should get a B or an A. I was sitting quiet as a little mouse and BAM she was like ''you deserve an A'' I was like ''YES!'' In my head yet irl I stood up, bowed and thanked her in japanese. Then I ran and jumped on my friend out of happiness xD WOAHAAH! Freaking KAKKOI!! :3
I wasn't active for a long time now but the reason for it is simple: SCHOOL.
Yush. I was so worked up I couldn't barely even eat properly but last week I managed to put myself back on that crazy ass horse. Last week I studied super freaking hard for my japanese test since GOD DAMN IT it's the only lesson I don't feel like failing! Last saturday I studied for 5 hours and I thought my head was about to EXPLOSE. But heck, it was worth it, I GOT AN A! I was so freaking happy I was jumping around like crazy in class. It was a talking test in japanese which I was suppose to write myself and it should have been freakin correct. Everything. I only mistaked at pronouncing one word but it wasn't enough of a fail to lower me to a B. The teacher had a hard time choosing if I should get a B or an A. I was sitting quiet as a little mouse and BAM she was like ''you deserve an A'' I was like ''YES!'' In my head yet irl I stood up, bowed and thanked her in japanese. Then I ran and jumped on my friend out of happiness xD WOAHAAH! Freaking KAKKOI!! :3

Next, I got to see an awesome movie with awesome friends. Divergent. The movie wasn't bad at all, it had a pretty clear story and it was a little bit like The Hunger Games but it has it's own ways. It was pretty good. At the end of the movie we decided to throw popcorn at eachother. It was fun. Why was it fun? I was the thower not the throwee. xD
Rah your face is priceless!
BUDDIES! <33 And me. Right there all fluffeh

I went back to drawing as all of you may know and I decided to learn a thing or a few about drawing effects! I also decided to film some of my progress while drawing! Visit my youtube channel and see me speed painting :3
Water Speed Paint
I am going to do a big project later by making a shimeji of my characters! YAY! It's gonna be a heck of work but I'll manage to complete it when I'll be a bit more free since yes, I STILL have a lot of school and there is going to be a lot of studying on Easter due to me having another japanese test which I want to pass with a good grade >.<

Just randomness of me and ICE CREAM! <3

Another awesome thing I've been doing is...
Yes. I went back to it.
And today I've been learning a new track !
Anyone play assassin's creed 3 and run away from those nasty guards?
AC3 - Trouble In Town
This is the theme I am learning right now. The speed on it is sick and my fingers hurt, they will start bleeding but heck it's worth it! After I learned this one properly I will learn the main theme of AC3 :3 It's gonna be awesome!
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