Thought it may have been a little boring here in my blog so I decided to add some music! :3 <3
Enjoy it! Haha yes some music is from The Walking Dead XD I love the music they play there, it's amazing!
If you get annoyed, just simply pause the music. If you got tired of the same song playing everytime you come here just click the ''next'' button! Forgot to do a shuffle playlist XD
It's not a lot of music! I'll be adding more in the future if I find some good music that is! :3
If you have any idea for any good music I'll check it out! Just comment bellow :3
You can comment anonymously if you like!
I'll be adding some new music every now and then whenever I can and have time. ENJOYY!!!! <3
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Monday, June 23, 2014
Ain't that a lazy cats day
So. On saturday my aunt threw a birthday party at her place and it was niiiiice.
We ate cake and.. food and stuff and it was fun.
But... Not as fun as this:
After all the guests left including my parents I decided to stay at my aunts places through the night and hang with her the morning after. You ask what we did?
Oh yeah.
We watched the walking dead. Season 1 and Season 2.
Mostely my aunt said the following words: ''boring'' ''skip this they're talking'' ''this is LAME'' ''what the heck?'' ''nonsense''
Whenever I asked her if she likes it she shook her head and said ''this is just bullshit''
Haha... Aww my aunt sucks at lying! During the series she also said ''OMG!'' ''What is she doing!?'' ''she's stupid! She shot Daryl!'' ''AH! ZOMBIE!'' ''RUUUUNNN!!'' ''yeah, that's right! that's how you should do it!'' ''she CRAZY''.
I can tell my aunt likes it, because after we finished Season 2, in the end (all you walking dead lovers) KNOW that Michonne first appeared, and saved Andreas butt. I didn't have the Season 3 disc, since I didn't buy it, but after she saw Michonne all covered and mysterious her first words were: ''DOWNLOAD SEASON 3 FIRST EPISODE! I wanna know who that is!'' and then she started analyzing Michonne from the little she saw and figured out that the zombies she had with her, masked her smell and such. Ha! My aunts smart!
Gonna have to buy both Season 3 and 4 quickly, so that we can see it together again. She says she doesn't like it, but haha, ooooh I know she doooooes! I can't WAIT until she'll meet The Governor! That will seriously BLOW HER BRAINS UP! Haha! XD
The Walking Dead is just awesome. Those who haven't seen it, I recommend, but not for those who are too sensitive to blood, since it pretty much shows how the head is being crush my a car. Or an axe. Or the whole body being ripped in half :DDD
UUH! And for all you The Walking Dead Lovers!
For those who haven't seen it:
Go to YouTube and write: the walking (and talking) dead
OR write : bad lip reading the walking dead
Here's a little something:
It's hilarious how it seems they really say that.. (they have voice actors that sound a lot like them and they say that stuff... It's hilarious)
evee immortal,
the walking dead,
Thursday, June 19, 2014
It's not just boring days you know
So I had a pretty... interesting day here.
Yesterday I was just napping in my bed, chilling like there is no tomorrow, sleeping. I had a bad night sleep, first off, I went to bed at 3 at night. Then my cat started meowing at 6 in the morning so he woke me up. I tossed and turned after that but managed to fall asleep again. Then I got a wake up call from my aunt basically saying ''get your butt outta bed! we're going to town!!!''
So yeah. Me and my aunt went to town. What did we do there? Shopping!
No no no. Not clothes. It was FOOD!
It's her birthday this weekend and she's throwing a party! She got some green and she went on buying her own gift with it, I helped her choose earings!
After that we went to the famous PLANTAGEN! It's a flower and plant shop. Since I'm a freak when it comes to flowers, I took a bunch of pics! xD
This is the orchid my aunt bought to herself! I picked it out for her :3 I said that it was beyond beautiful any other orchid I've seen in that shop.
What's my most ever favorite thing? Cacti! WHO DOESN'T LOVE CACTI?! I have 3 of them! And they have names! Tom, Jerry and Spike xD There were so many cacti in the shop I was so freakkin happy! I will probably buy some more in the future xD

The whole shopping cart was full, not to mention the car! This was just Willis! We were also in another grocery store, ICA! XD
Somewhere in the middle of all this shopping, we went to McDonalds to eat a little since we were pretty hungry xD
After a long and awesome day with my awesome aunt, she took me back home. I was greeted by my annoying cat that always meows! Although I still love him xD
I was all alone at home since my parents were working, so like a good child, I cooked them late dinner!
FISH! <3

It was my first time cooking this actually, but let me tell ya, it came out PERFECTLY and my mom liked it!
But then, today an incredibly weird thing has happened.
Like always I was sleeping, chillin in my bed and again I got a wake up call. This time, from my mom.
She carefully asked if dad was home, I got out of the bed to check, he wasn't home.
My mom started laughing and said she forgot her wallet at home, and she was standing in the grocery shop with a cart packed with food.
What did I do?
Took my bike on a rainy day and drove all the way to COOP (a groceryshop in Sweden) WHILE, have asleep.
It was a great wake up xD I was walking like a new born chicken xD
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Graduation, ONE year LEFT!
I don't have a picture of me how I looked during graduation, since I didn't wear something BIG, but next year I promise a million pics! Since well, it's gonna be the last year! So, it's gonna be an awesome dress! I hope xDD
Even though it's fun that the summer is finally here and no school, still, with the class that I have, it's always fun! It's really sad though, one of my lovely classmates is moving and she won't be attending third and last year with us. Everyone started crying when she talked about leaving us. I have to admit that even I got a little bit tears in my eyes, but she'll never be forgotten! She's awesome!!!
On top of that, me and my buddy went to town to just hang a little and he bought me ice cream :DD <3
Then we went to McDonalds to grab some fast food. Woop.
But the most awesome thing that happened today, was that I finally, waiting for 2 months, bough ACIV!! <3
That game is beyond awesomeness!
I've been so addictive to it ever since I played ACIII'
I've played a little today but I was so stupid that I didn't pick a device to save in to, and it didn't save -.- luckily I didn't go that far out into the game!
I think Edward is awesome and a complete smart ass, I enjoy playing with him and hopefully he has bigger surprises for me!
It actually is more difficult than ACIII, but I don't know if it's true or is it because I'm not yet used to it.
I love pirates <3 a lot! I've been going so crazy over pirates when I was younger and asdfghgfdsaasdfghfds now I get to experiance it in this game! SO AWESOME!
GIFS! <3
pirates <3
Another awesome thing that I've been doing for a while is watching Dragon Ball Z!
I haven't seen that shit is SO. LONG.
So I decided to watch it.
I didn't technically see everything from the beginning, so I did get some updates yawh.
When I was a kid I only saw when Vegeta was already on the planet Earth.
Didn't know anything about him, NOR did I know that Gokus real name is ''Carott'' xD (Kakarrot)
Nor that he had a brother ''Radish'' (Raditz)
(I agreed to the fact that the creator was inspired by vegetables in order to create names)
My fav characters so far are Mister Pickle (Piccolo), Gohan <333 and Vegeta,
Of course, I like Goku too xD
Gohaaaaaaannn <33333333
Goku eating clouds.... xD
Vegeta... Happy... xD
Although yeah they train here haha xD FIGHT!
Gonna head off now and chill, eat my dinner and play ACIV BLACK FLAG! <3
1 year left,
animem graduation,
assassins creed 4,
assassins creed 4 black flag,
black flag,
dragon ball z,
video game,
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