I was gone.
Sorry! XD
Well over the weekend I was spending some nice time with my parents.
We went to a Chinese restaurant and ate.... Chinese food!
Awh God chopsticks I really want to get my own mahogany chopstick!
I just love mahogany <3
After the restaurant we went to watch a movie.
We watch:
I saw Mockingjay: Part One! YAY
It was a very hard story to be honest.
I didn't quite get hooked up on it.
At least, not the whole movie.
I payed a lot of attention to Peeta and let me say: Holy SHIT.
It was very difficult for me to handle everything he was saying and I just wanted to stand up in the cinema and SCREAM at him.
I literally needed to hold my mouth to not start screaming.
It was obvious he was forced to say those things... Awful things..
You could see the makeup covering his bruises and such.
I was kind of sad of the way he turned out >..<
Not much action in the movie, but it's understandable since, well, it's part one, they never put anything interesting in part one otherwise it will just end the movie and part two wouldn't be needed.
I adore Effie. She's probably one of my most favorite characters in the movie.
I felt so sorry for her seeing her without the dress and makeup yet she still has that personality that never dies <3
Not going to review the movie here and now, since it might spoil a lot for those that haven't seen it yet, but I can say this, don't expect much, it's still the beginning of the ''war'', it takes time to estimate. I wasn't actually expecting much so I wasn't disappointed in it, but my parents were. They needed ''action'' while I was starring at the idea of it all. Was too lazy to explain anything for them XD
Other than that!
I've been also spending some time with my kitty <3

Decided to get some practice with my camera. Still have a hard time getting all of those god damn million buttons but I'm getting there! XD
He's so majestic I love my sweetie <3
You can see how fat he is in the last picture, his legs can't even go together because of the fat! <3
On the other hand!
I've been thinking of starting a VLOG channel on youtube!
Oh yeah!
Gonna start vlogging!
Basically it's going to be a bit about my life and probably a little better presentation of who I really am!
Hopefully someone will watch!
I'm also gonna have a bonus subscriber game!
It's not going to be only just me talking about myself and people getting bored of it!
Thought to do something with those who will watch my videos and subscribe!
Mainly it's just a time every week I'll be doing where my watchers will send me things like, songs, gifs, short videos, ANYTHING, and I will record my reactions to it [briefly] and talk about what I saw.
Going to explain more about it in my future videos!
Channel has not been yet created, I'll be posting updates here in the future! <3
On the other OTHER hand.
I got braces.
Oh yeah.
I've already had them for a week.
It was painful.
But not as painful to actually GET to the hospital.
I took the wrong buss.
I saw a sign of the red cross while taking the buss and then I noticed, the buss was going the OTHER way.
I had to run to the buss driver and ask her if this buss was going to the hospital only to get the answer ''no'' -.-
I had to get off the buss and take the other buss back to the buss center and get on the right buss.
It was 15 minutes to spare and I made it in time.
Got back home all stressed about my day but managed to calm down with just a normal happy talk with mom <3
Then to only get more stressed about my future and take a bite on a hard candy just to get my braces broken on the same day.
Got my braces on the first day?
Good job Evee...
The wire was pointing at my inner cheek and I was literally BLEEDING like I had period in my mouth.
So I called the hospital on Friday, to find out they can only accept me on Monday.
Yaaaaay -.-
So I called them back and they accepted me as emergency when I mentioned that there was a rain of blood in my mouth.
Either way, that week wasn't one of the best weeks but hey, in the end everything turns out just right!
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