Christmas, Holidays, New Year, FINALLY HERE! 
Even though I am writing this AFTER the Holiday, still gonna!
This year the Christmas Holiday wasn't a hyperactive, gift hunting, money wasting Holiday, it was more like a, chill, loving, friendly, warm Holiday.
For the fact that most of our money went to Rajah and my computer, we didn't buy each other super expensive and big stuff, but we still managed to have a great time.
Our family friend has invited us for dinner on Christmas Eve, so we went there and it was pretty sweet.
There were a lot of people, and for me in a big crowd is sometimes really scary!
We ate A LOT.
Pretty sure I gained some pounds!
This year was pretty much a PJ Christmas.
Everyone got PJs!
I got like, 3 pairs!
After getting a fluffy sweater for my auntie, I decided to get one too!
They were just tooooo adorable!
I really wanted these pjs, I was asking them from mum and she got 'em for me!
I am a total sucker for footsies, they are warm and adorable!!
The ones on the right were given to me by our family friend, the ones on the left were gifted from my mum.
She was running around the shop trying to find these, but unfortunately they were sold out. She spoke with the worker and mum said she saw the footsies on the mannequin and she asked if it was possible to get them off the mannequin and be sold, and now I have them! Thanks to mum!
She lied to me though! She said ''sorry honey they were sold out!''
And I remember them still being on the mannequin, but when she told me they were sold out, I went to that shop and I saw that the socks were not on the mannequin anymore! When I opened it in the box, I got freaking happy! Mum still knows how to surprise me!
Of course, I had to buy some pjs for myself too, because I know I needed new ones, I just didn't know I'll be getting so much!

So when mum was finished packing the gifts, there was this huuuuuuuuge packages for me.
Mum said ''you're going to be using it everyday''
I got so curious and wanted to know what the heck was inside of it!
I was so freaking happy! My makeup no longer needed to stay in a bunch of shoe boxes!
Now all my makeup in resting in a pretty box! 
Got myself ExtraVirginMinerals from BodyShop!
My babies 
I needed mascara, and when I found the ones I adored from the start, they had the StarWars logo on it!
It's a sign for me to watch it!

I actually got some perfume!
And not just any perfume!
From Hugo Boss.
I know I used to smell this perfume a lot in cruise ships but they were quite expensive
so I never thought I get them!
I freaked out when I got them in my hands!

Got this very pretty necklace from out family friend in Lithuania.
And it's gonna fit with so many of my clothes!

I got this adorable collection from auntie, it's a necklace that can have different pendants!
I always wanted to many necklaces but now I don't need them because I have these cuties!

I also got.
Finally after years of suffering with my Sony Ericsson,
I got a good phone with a lot of storage.
It was a collection from my last years birthday money and this years birthday money.
My parents dipped in the rest as a birthday present and Christmas present.
It's a really good phone, very comfortable and huge!

I also got a little gift from my honey
I absolutely love pullover hoodies, they are super comfy and takes little effort to look good!
I found this running around Facebook a lot,
so I told him if he had troubles figuring out what to get me, this would have been perfect.
And he got me it
I absolutely love it!
I love the way it looks, love the color, love the print and absolutely love the fabric!
I got him a StarWars Stormtrooper shirt, cuz he's a lil nerdy about that

I also got this lovely angel from my auntie on my birthday.
It's really pretty, and every time I look at it I remember the auntie I grew up with.
It reminds me a lot of her not only because she gave it to me, but because when I was little, she was my guardian angel
Daddy in the background! 

I just love these lights in my room so I thought just to upload this! 
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