Saturday, January 18, 2014

Cancer is a fungus and it's curable

I believe the titel says it all.
It may be hard for some to believe that cancer is indeed curable since about eight million people die every year from cancer worldwide more than half million in the US alone. The global number is predicted to be raised to twelve million by 2030.
Cancer is the biggest caused of death for people under 85 years old.
In 1969 a doctor named Richard Day had addressed a meeting of doctors in Pittsburg and asked the doctors to what shall be said can not be recorded nor it was allowed to take notes. On the other hand, one doctors has secretly taken notes and later talked publicly of what was said. The following words were:

'' We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information about this will be in Rockfeller Institute if it's ever decided to be released.

Richard said that letting people die from cancer is a way of slowing down a mass population growth.

These people have absolutly no soul and that's why they do what they do.

For those who have discovered an effective way of treating cancer outside the Big Pharma Cabal are targeted by the medical establishment and government agencies.

One such case is an Italian doctor Tullio Simoncini, a brilliant and courageous man who was refused to bow to the enormous pressure he has faced, and continues to face after he realized what cancer actually is and how we can actually deal with it.

Simoncinis' ''crime'' was that he discovered that cancer is a fungus caused my Candida,  a yeat-like organism that lives in the body with small amounts even in healthy people. The immune system keeps it under control but when the immune system is weakened the Candida morphs into a powerful fungus and some serious diseases may be caused - inculing cancer.

Simoncini said that cancer is a Candida fungal infection, and that the, medical explanation of cancer as a cellular malfunction is completly wrong.

Simoncini is a specialist in oncology - treatment of tumors - diabetes and metabolic disorders but he is way much more than that. He is a real doctor who seeks to uncover the truth about cancer and refuses to hide it from his patients. From the time being he realized that something was very wrong with the way how cancer was treated. His frustration and sorrow was what was seeing led him to go and search of new ways to understand and therefore treat this horrible disease.

He began his journey with just a pencil and a piece of paper.

Simoncini realized that all cancers acted the same way no matter where in the body or what form they took. He also observed that the cancer ''lumps'' were always white, even for those that seemed to be red, it was actually blood, as so when the blood was washed off, the lumps were white.

What else is white? - Candida.

He said, that what the medicine believed was to be cell growth going wild, ''cancerous growth'' - is actually the immune system producing cells to defend the body from Candida attack!

The sequence goes like this:

1: Candida is normally controlled by the immune system but when that weakened the Candida can expand and build a ''colony''.
2: The Candida eventually penetrates an organ and the immune system needs to react to the threat in another way.
3: This ''way'' of respoding was to build a defensive barrier with it's own cells and this barrier we call ''cancer growth''.

What allows cancer to manifest is a weakened immune system, if it's strong, it keeps the Candida from escaping it's original source.

The immune system is weakened from food and drink additives, chemical farming, vaccination, electromagnetic and microwave technology, pharmaeutical drugs, the stress of modern ''life'' and so much more.

Children are given 25 vaccinations before the age of two while their immune system is still forming, so the vaccination technically interupts the ''right way'' of the immune system to form.

Now. The huge question. What destroys the immune system quicker than anything else?


The ''cutting edge'' of cancer is to poison the victim and kill the cancer cells before it has killed enough healthy cells to kill the patient. The chemotherapy poison also kills the cells of the immune system and the Candida is still there because the immune system can't respond to Candida and it takes over a different part of the body and starts the same process again and so causing the spread of cancer. Even those who have survived cancer, are just a ticking clock.

Their immune system is shattered and weakened, in other worlds, chemotherapy is killing people that's suppose to be curing them.

When Simoncini realized that cancer was a fungus infection he began to search for something that can kill the fungus and remove the cancer. He realized that anti-fungal drugs don't do the work because the fungus quickly mutates to defend itself and even then starts to feed of the drugs that were suppose to be killing it.

Instead, he found something much much easier and that is sodium bicarbonate. Yes. The main ingredient in baking soda!

He used it because it was a strong destroyer of fungus and, unlike any other drug, the Candida couldn't adapt to it. The patient is given sodium bicarbonate orally and through internal means like an endoscope, a long thin tube that doctors use to see inside the body without surgery. This allows the sodium bicarbonate to be placed directly on the cancer - the fungus.

In 1983, Simoncini treated an Italian man, Gennaro Sangermano, who had been given months to live with lung cancer. A few months later he wasn't dead, he was back to health and the cancer was gone.

More success followed and Simoncini presented his findings to the Italian Department of Health in the hope that they would begin scientifically-approved trials to show that it worked.

But he was to learn the true scale of medical manipulation and deceit.

The authorities not only ignored his documentation, he was disbarred from the Italian Medical Order for prescribing cures that had not been approved. Yep, I really said that - for prescribing cures that had not been approved.
He was subjected to a vicious campaign of ridicule and condemnation by the pathetic media and then jailed for three years for causing 'wrongful death' to patients he had treated.

Tullio Simoncini is, thankfully, no quitter and he has continued to circulate his work on the Internet and in public talks.

Salvestrols are the natural defense system in fruit and vegetables against fungal attacks and that's why you only find them in those species subject to fungus damage, like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, blackcurrants, redcurrants, blackberries, cranberries, apples, pears, green vegetables (especially broccoli and the cabbage family), artichokes, red and yellow peppers, avocados, watercress, asparagus and aubergines.
 The chemical fungicide sprays used in modern farming kill fungus artificially and this means the plants and  crops do not have to trigger their own defense - salvestrols. You only find them in any amount today  in organically grown food.

This is one of the reason why the people should have atleast one of their own faming vegetable or fruit to be able to protect themselves more from cancer.
Tullio Simoncini is still alive and he is trying hard to show the world the true colors of cancer. There were people who have been cured from cancer by his guidence and the world should know that he is not a quacker but a real true doctor who has discovered a cure for ''cancer'' and it is nothing but Sodium Bicarbonate.

I believe that all this is true. I have never given up hope and waited year for this to finally appear on the internet and a real article, and Tullio Simoncini himself making a presenation to a huge public and talking about his research and discoveries.
Let the world know! Let everyone know that cancer can be cured! That it's a fungal infection. This needs to be finally spread to the world so that everyone will have hope to live. I believe in this and I am inraged. Because I too had a member that I was related to that have died from cancer, and she, was only 18 years old. My own aged, as she had her whole life infront of her.
And just because of this, heartless bastard they have not revealed the true matter and treatment of cancer, causing this person to be no more. Inraged. I hope this will be approved soon and everyone will no longer fear cancer, as it will be a simple disease like flu.

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