Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Stress Relief

Every person in this world have been suffering from stress. Whether or not it is big or small.
I'm going to give you a few small tips on how to relieve stress!


Eating fruit can be extremely healthy for your body but it also helps you relieve your stress. Many people usually eat sweets to calm their troubles, but doing so their energy gets reduced quickly and the stress can become even bigger.


By meditating you leave everything in the outside world, out, and focus on what it going on in the inside. That way you can ease the anxiety since it alters signals to the brain that makes you resilient to stress!

Beat the negative with the positive.

The old plus, minus, technique is a quick way of relieving stress and boosting your confidence. Instead of focusing on the negative, try finding what is positive out of the outcome. When you change your view point, you can change the level of stress altogether! 

Go outside.

Going outside whether if it's cold, warm, sunny, gloomy, rainy or drafty, can help you reduce your stress. Fresh air to the body is needed everyday for at least one hour. Try walking around in the plains or the forest, somewhere, where nature surrounds you. Try listening to nature sounds. It really is soothing! 

Bubble bath.

Baths are incredible when it comes to relieving stress. Having a bubble bath makes you feel like a kid, no matter how old you are, and feeling like a kid is probably the best way to reduce stress, because when you're a kid, you don't even know what stress means!


Try drinking some tea if there is nothing else you can think of, and need to do it quickly. Try drinking tea without anything with it. Avoid anything sweet and drinking tea without sugar or at least one tea spoon can help you better than you think!


Music is the best creation of human kind that helps you relieve stress. The problem can be is finding anything new and soothing, if you don't already have something like that. Try going to YouTube and listen to MrSuicideSheep music gallery! It helps me a lot!

Have fun!

Don't forget to have fun and do the things you love when you're stressed! Don't be in a rush, if you rush relieving stress it can only cause to more stress over time. Play games, draw, listen to music, read a book or watch a movie, anything you find fun can knock stress down in a minute!

Play with your pet.

Pets and animals are the most joyful way to relieve stress. Playing around with one, cuddling and stroking your pet gives you an instinct called - love. Being around a pet you love can calm your down easily within minutes and, boost your fun needs! 

Talk to someone.

When it comes to stress, the most things that a person wants to hear is that everything will be ok, from someone else. Talk to someone really close to you, perhaps your lover or even your parents is a good way to start. Talking to your parents is a good way of getting advice from someone older than you since there is a chance they have experienced a lot of stress and anxiety. Talking to a good friend is also a good way to relieve stress knowing that there is someone there for you.

Accept your stress.

One thing is important is that you need to accept your stress. It's part of your body and stress is something that is happening to your body right now and you can't shove it out, you just have to go through it. Don't think stress is bad, it's an emotional effect that is happening to your body and happens to every other single human being in this world. It is absolutely normal. In truth stress is just adrenaline to your body of something you are not prepared for. Letting stress do what it should, helps you calm down quicker!

These are a few tips you can use to calm your stress down! It sure helped me when it came to stress and anxiety, any kind of stress! Hope these tips will help you relieve your stress! Have a healthy life!

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