Lots of things to talk about today! Gonna talk about a movie I saw, and... other stuff xD ANYWAY <3
I few days ago I saw a movie called ''The Incredible Burt Wonderstone.''
The movie is about a boy who was always bullied when he was a kid and his parents were never around, so he was always alone. He never had any friends and was ''a loser'' in school. One day on his birthday he got a magic kit from mom and he started to learn magic, he found a friend Anton in school and both of them decided to do magic together for a living. They become famous, best friends and amazing magicians, but after a while they got bored of it and didn't feel the ''magical feeling'' towards magic so decided not to find new tricks. After a while, a guy named Steve Gray (which is acted by the one and only JIM CARREY!), who is a different kind of magician/stunt man, who steals their spot light and destroys their friendship. After that they try to become famous again by experimenting with magic tricks.
Hope not much of a spoiler :I
I think the movie was GREAT. It was funny, touching, and right out crazy. It was a comedy of course and also a huge friendship kind of movie. Also, you get to learn something from it, and what I learned is that there can never be such thing as ''selfishness'' in a friendship.
My fav character was Steve... Not only because he was Jim Carrey no, that character is bad ass. A jerk, but just plain AWESOME.

My fav scene <3

I think I should share this. Yesterday night, out of no where, I started crying. For those who read I probably have forgot to mention that I am an extremely sensitive person, when it comes to friends.
It's a normal thing that I cried. Only because, I miss someone. Someone that I haven't gotten near me today. Our friendship has been broken for a while now and to admit it all, it's all my fault.. When that person said ''you'll realize what you've done'', yesterday, I have.
I was a complete idiot to treat my him like that. Even though there were many times he wasn't dear to me and treated me like trash, yelled at me and hurt me over and over again, doesn't mean I still don't have that dear feeling towards him. And, he wasn't the only one who hurt me, I hurted him too, which really sucks.
I was stuck in my depression for ages, stuck in my past even when he was around, and now that I am finally getting back on my feet again, I feel SO stupid for doing all those stupid things that drove him away.
Sometimes I wish I could knock on his door and apologize in person instead of writing depressing messages to him and drive him further away.
I think I should share this. Yesterday night, out of no where, I started crying. For those who read I probably have forgot to mention that I am an extremely sensitive person, when it comes to friends.
It's a normal thing that I cried. Only because, I miss someone. Someone that I haven't gotten near me today. Our friendship has been broken for a while now and to admit it all, it's all my fault.. When that person said ''you'll realize what you've done'', yesterday, I have.
I was a complete idiot to treat my him like that. Even though there were many times he wasn't dear to me and treated me like trash, yelled at me and hurt me over and over again, doesn't mean I still don't have that dear feeling towards him. And, he wasn't the only one who hurt me, I hurted him too, which really sucks.
I was stuck in my depression for ages, stuck in my past even when he was around, and now that I am finally getting back on my feet again, I feel SO stupid for doing all those stupid things that drove him away.
Sometimes I wish I could knock on his door and apologize in person instead of writing depressing messages to him and drive him further away.
I was such a fool.. And I feel so bad now, because in a way, I destroyed him too.. Both of us, in a way, are broken and nobody can fix it.. Is it all up to me? Should I really apologize? And I actually mean walking to his place even though I have no idea where he actually is, and apoligize..
There are so many things I usually want to say to him.. Not only that, to my other friends whom I've lost.
But I am always afraid... No, I am not afraid of telling them the truth, sharing my thoughts, no.. I'm afraid.. Of the words they'll speak after I've spoken my heart..
''If I speak from my heart .I'm scared it'll get broken. I'm afraid of what they might after the words I have spoken.''
If I only had confidence in me.. I'd apologize and for this time to actually try to make things work without anyone doing it for me.
Well... My hair -.-
TBH I'm starting to hate my hair..
Everyone keeps saying '' you have such long beautiful hair ''
Yes.. I know. ''Longbeautifulhair'' that you can't do ANYTHING with.
It annoys me. I tried so many awesome hairstyles but my hair is either, not trimmed, too long, too healthy or ''not enough''
But that is where I had enough o.o YUSH!
A little bit shorter, and dye it. Hair dip. Blond. Can't wait for the results and I really hope everything will work. Because, I really love playing with my hair and it feels soooo blaaaarggh when I see pictures of people with good hairstyles and awesome tutorials that my hair can't handle. Ugh the feel. No.
Waiting for Halloween. That is when perhaps I'll do my hair <3

Some of you may not know what mock means.
Lemme explain.
Mocking, is something like bullying, but secretly talking behind a persons back and laughing from the way they look and dress up.
On my way to the trainstation, infront of me there was this kind, very much chubby guy and there were two girls passing by. After passing him, they mocked him quietly and one of the girls threw her hands on the sides bilding up a ''ballon'' sized arms, filled her cheeks with air and walked like she was carrying something heavy. Which in this case, she showed how ''fat'' he was.
I don't really like those kind of people. In fact, I hate them. It is not a pleasuring thing to see when somebody mocks people from the way they look when they don't even know them in person.
To admit, I sometimes do that too, but not when it comes to chubby people. I usually say ''Omg.. Look at the way she looks like...'' Point a finger and be shocked. Only when that person looks.. Well.. Ruined.
There are so many pretty girls in the world and they don't know how to take care of themselves!
Dyes their hair differently every week, in the end, nothing but chicken feathers on their head.
Has a huge possability to lose some weigh, doesn't do anything just eats hamburgers and junk food.
An extremely sweet girl, anorexic.
Two words.
If you are anorexic, try and fix that. If you are a bit ''chubby'' try to eat healthy, if you ''got no hair and split ends'' Dye is a normal color from Loreal and use conditioner, no heatings, nothing. I just don't want all this to end up in unhealthy death, or ''suicide'' when nobody likes the way you look.
But, I'm not here to judge, it's your life. I am just a warning.
And for those mockers, I want you to stop... Seriously! I may be a nice person but I can surely punch you in the face if I see another mocker.
Think about it this way.
What if it were you?
And people mocked YOU? Would you be happy about it? No.. You'll feel a heck of a BAD.
In my family we have this saying '' If you want people to be good towards you, you have to be good towards them''
And that not only includes of being polite, but also helping people. This even includes families and work and friendships and relationships.
Sure it's not wrong to share your thoughts and opinions, but only for a share limit. Otherwise it will only go to hell. And I'm thinking, that's gotta stop.
There are so many things I usually want to say to him.. Not only that, to my other friends whom I've lost.
But I am always afraid... No, I am not afraid of telling them the truth, sharing my thoughts, no.. I'm afraid.. Of the words they'll speak after I've spoken my heart..
''If I speak from my heart .I'm scared it'll get broken. I'm afraid of what they might after the words I have spoken.''
If I only had confidence in me.. I'd apologize and for this time to actually try to make things work without anyone doing it for me.
Well... My hair -.-
TBH I'm starting to hate my hair..
Everyone keeps saying '' you have such long beautiful hair ''
Yes.. I know. ''Longbeautifulhair'' that you can't do ANYTHING with.
It annoys me. I tried so many awesome hairstyles but my hair is either, not trimmed, too long, too healthy or ''not enough''
But that is where I had enough o.o YUSH!
A little bit shorter, and dye it. Hair dip. Blond. Can't wait for the results and I really hope everything will work. Because, I really love playing with my hair and it feels soooo blaaaarggh when I see pictures of people with good hairstyles and awesome tutorials that my hair can't handle. Ugh the feel. No.
Waiting for Halloween. That is when perhaps I'll do my hair <3

Some of you may not know what mock means.
Lemme explain.
Mocking, is something like bullying, but secretly talking behind a persons back and laughing from the way they look and dress up.
On my way to the trainstation, infront of me there was this kind, very much chubby guy and there were two girls passing by. After passing him, they mocked him quietly and one of the girls threw her hands on the sides bilding up a ''ballon'' sized arms, filled her cheeks with air and walked like she was carrying something heavy. Which in this case, she showed how ''fat'' he was.
I don't really like those kind of people. In fact, I hate them. It is not a pleasuring thing to see when somebody mocks people from the way they look when they don't even know them in person.
To admit, I sometimes do that too, but not when it comes to chubby people. I usually say ''Omg.. Look at the way she looks like...'' Point a finger and be shocked. Only when that person looks.. Well.. Ruined.
There are so many pretty girls in the world and they don't know how to take care of themselves!
Dyes their hair differently every week, in the end, nothing but chicken feathers on their head.
Has a huge possability to lose some weigh, doesn't do anything just eats hamburgers and junk food.
An extremely sweet girl, anorexic.
Two words.
If you are anorexic, try and fix that. If you are a bit ''chubby'' try to eat healthy, if you ''got no hair and split ends'' Dye is a normal color from Loreal and use conditioner, no heatings, nothing. I just don't want all this to end up in unhealthy death, or ''suicide'' when nobody likes the way you look.
But, I'm not here to judge, it's your life. I am just a warning.
And for those mockers, I want you to stop... Seriously! I may be a nice person but I can surely punch you in the face if I see another mocker.
Think about it this way.
What if it were you?
And people mocked YOU? Would you be happy about it? No.. You'll feel a heck of a BAD.
In my family we have this saying '' If you want people to be good towards you, you have to be good towards them''
And that not only includes of being polite, but also helping people. This even includes families and work and friendships and relationships.
Sure it's not wrong to share your thoughts and opinions, but only for a share limit. Otherwise it will only go to hell. And I'm thinking, that's gotta stop.
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