So a funny thing happened to me yesterday morning.
Like always I listen to my music pretty loud. Well, it doesn't harm me. I use Koss headphones which usually are so that they throw a lot of sound out so that others can hear it without it even being so loud.
And I LOVE Koss. One of the best headphones I ever had and my complete favorite, the base is just so awesome! I had over 4 of them.. Since they broke many times because I listen to music very often in the buss on my way to school. Today I have white Koss headphones, and like my funny personality, I name some of my stuff. This years headphones are named Scott.
But back to the topic. So, I was listening to my music like I always do and there was this woman who asked if she could sit near I removed my stuff and continued listening to music. Hardstyle <3 forever.
All of a sudden the woman poked me and asked me if I could turn the music down.
That, is where I got really upset.
In my head, I was the Hulk, and she was Loki.
At first I really do understand that my music can annoy many people.
But, first SMART thing she would have done is not sit near a girl with big ass headphones.
Second, unpolite to tell a stranger to stop doing something they like.
As a ''kind person'' I turned down my music.
For only a few seconds...
Then, it was ALL max sound.
I don't like it when people say that. It makes me annoyed. Music is my life and it's always around. Sitting in the buss all no music forever alone. No thank you xD
After a while the lady moved to sit somewhere else, I started laughing like hell.
I should maybe have a huge sign saying ''LOUD MUSIC LISTENER''
To not make anyone hate me.
What can I say, I love music more than being kind. :3
I'm kind?? Said by a stranger.
What can I say. Yesterday in school I was taking my lunch out from the fridge (yes we have a little kitchen for tea and other stuff we brought from home) and there was this guy who was sitting not too far away and he asked me if I had somethng to drink. He seemed a bit worried. I said that I do but it wasn't that much. He kindly asked if he could drink it, I started at the sprite bottle full of Gold mutli juice and gave it to him. He drank more than half which I didn't even mind. He gave the bottle back and thanked, and told me that I was really kind.I knew who he was because I have talked with him many times, but he is just an aquantince. I only smiled and said ''ok.. thanks'' he replied with a ''you have always been kind'' I was like '' well.. I am not always kind.'' he said '' to me you are''It is sometimes nice to hear that from someone who never wants to know me by my past but by the way I am now. I don't have the need to be selfish. Sometimes yes, everyone is, but I feel bad whenever I said ''no'' to someone. It never bothers me when someone gets something from me and takes half of it, as long as someone asks kindly without streatching their hand and said ''give''.I have a lot of manners when it comes to strangers and polite people. Normally around my friends I am very outgoing. Not when it comes to strangers.But I always love to help out someone as long as they ask nicely and not ask questions about my past. Then, it's not a very nice feeling to be with that person.
''He knows...''That's what is going in my head all the time.But, feeling better when nobody ever wants to talk about my past with me. Shows respect. I choose if I want to talk about it or not. If I do, things are always better :3Well, I guess I am kind. In a way :3
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